RM3P Engages with Private Industry
After months of identifying and developing the goals, needs, and requirements of RM3P, program management was pleased to announce the program’s request for information (RFI) last month. The RFI asks questions and invites suggestions from industry stakeholders to...
May 2020 Digest
We are excited to introduce you to the Regional Multi-Modal Mobility Program. RM3P is being developed with a vision toward changing the way we use our transportation resources in Virginia, no matter whether you are managers or consumers of those resources. RM3P is a...
RM3P: A Regional Collaboration
RM3P, a collaboration of VDOT, NVTA, and DRPT, encompasses the entire transportation network in Northern Virginia, from highways to arterials, park-and-rides to bicycle trails, and commuter rail to buses. The program integrates multiple aspects of this network,...
Welcome to RM3P from Program Leadership
We are excited to introduce you to the Regional Multi-Modal Mobility Program. RM3P is being developed with a vision toward changing the way we use our transportation resources in Virginia, no matter whether you are managers or consumers of those resources. RM3P...