December 2021 Digest

As we reach the final weeks of 2021, all of us at RM3P wish you a warm holiday season. As more commuters across the region return to their former commutes and shifting travel patterns spur transit operators to keep innovating, this RM3P Digest predominantly focuses on...

Executive Corner: Dynamic Incentivization

This fall, we chatted about Dynamic Incentivization (DI) with Monica Backmon, Chief Executive Officer of the Northern Virginia Transportation Authority, and Jennifer DeBruhl, Chief of Public Transportation at the Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation....

RM3P Procurement in Full Swing

The procurement juggernaut is in full throttle on three RM3P program elements: AI-Based Decision Support System, Dynamic Incentivization, and Commuter Parking Information System. VDOT released two Requests for Qualifications (RFQs) in September 2021—one for an...