Foundational to RM3P, the Data-Exchange Platform (DEP) is a dynamic, cloud-based storage and exchange platform for data-driven, multi-modal transportation programs. Serving as a central repository, the DEP provides the raw “fuel” – or data  – to support the other RM3P program elements, i.e., the AI-Based Decision Support System (AI-DSS), Commuter Parking Information System (CPIS), and Dynamic Incentivization (DI).

The Data-Exchange Platform (DEP) is one of the four program elements comprising RM3P. The DEP has ingested and integrated a wide range of regional core data on roadways, incidents and events, bike sharing, parking lots, transit, etc. The DEP is making it possible to paint a real-time picture of travel conditions in the region, across all transportation modes. As additional data are made available, the system will become more comprehensive and grow increasingly robust in utility and function.

Using the Regional Integrated Transportation Information System (RITIS) as a foundation, and with the focus of a dedicated team, the deployment of DEP was accomplished in less than a two-year period, ending in December 2022.  For a project of this complexity, the deployment schedule was aggressive, completed on-time and within budget. This achievement was accomplished because the DEP was built upon RITIS, driving the efficiency of the project. RITIS is a nationally-used information platform for aggregating and disseminating transportation data. The DEP development process has customized and tailored RITIS specifically to support RM3P, added a plethora of new data, and strengthened its ability to function in a real-time, operational environment. Currently, the DEP is waiting to be linked to the other RM3P systems, as these systems move toward deployment. The DEP’s capabilities to integrate data and provide actionable information are expected to improve over time as additional data and experience are gained.

A DEP Virtual Open House was held in November 2022 to showcase the project’s accomplishments, examine parts of the technical architecture, and demonstrate selected functions and features. The event’s kick-off presentation may be accessed here: DEP Open House Presentation. The system’s data-driven approach and emphasis on data integration and collaboration are key to achieving the RM3P mission.