DI, the third element of RM3P to move forward with deployment, will target those commuters who are willing and able to safely change their travel patterns and practices in ways that improve the efficiency of the transportation network as a whole and benefit all commuters traveling from, to, or through Northern Virginia. The goals of DI are to reduce adverse impacts on the transportation network, decrease the usage of single-occupancy vehicles, achieve long-term traveler behavior changes, and offer up a variety of incentives that adapt to real-time conditions and user preferences.
The RM3P Management Team is grateful to its many regional and local partners, including the Northern Virginia Transportation Authority (NVTA), for enabling us to reach this milestone. We extend our heartfelt appreciation to the members and technical advisors of the DI Steering Committee, Program Element Guidance Team, Procurement Panel, Marketing Workgroup, Advisory Committee, and others who have provided ongoing direction and helped solidify the vision for DI. We look forward to continuing to engage with our partners and supporters as we advance this program element.