The RM3P management team engaged with private industry through a request-for-information (RFI) process this past summer. The interactions afforded new insights about the development and procurement paths moving forward. After months of developing program scopes, needs, and requirements, VDOT released an RFI in June. In total, 54 industry vendors comprising 41 respondent teams—including both private companies and applied academic researchers—responded to the RFI. Most of the responses addressed more than one RM3P program element. Thirty-seven percent (37%) of the responses covered all five program elements.

Between late July and early August, the RM3P management team conducted one-on-one online discussions with each of the RFI respondents. At the virtual meetings, the invited firms and universities had the opportunity to explain how they could potentially contribute to RM3P, and how they would go about making those contributions. The RM3P team then asked clarifying questions about the RFI responses and content.

A chart representing the number of times each program element was included in the 41 responses to the Request for Information. The Multi-Modal Analytical Planner was addressed in 31 RFI responses, the most of any program element. The AI-Based Decision Support System was addressed in 28 responses. The Data-Exchange Platform and Dynamic Incentivization were addressed in 24 responses each, and the Commuter Parking Information System was addressed in 20 responses.

Following the sessions with industry, the management team assessed important takeaways in relation to individual RM3P program elements and the program as an integrated whole. The team also discussed procurement strategies and identified actions needed for decision-making.

Overall, the team learned a great deal about the industry’s capacity to support RM3P and the key program areas where additional clarity is needed. In particular, insights were gleaned about the approach to the Data Lake/Data Store technology area and to structuring the procurement process. The discussion also suggested the need for changes to two RM3P program elements. To that end, the Data Lake/Data Store element was renamed as the Data-Exchange Platform (DEP). Similarly, the Mobility Gap Dashboard (MGD) was changed to the Multi-Modal Analytical Planner (MMAP).

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