Two of RM3P’s program elements are being supported by new federal dollars, thanks to a grant received by the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) this summer. The Advanced Transportation and Congestion Management Technologies Deployment (ATCMTD) grant, administered by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), is valued at more than $4 million.

An icon of a magnifying glass hovering over a dollar sign.

VDOT’s $4.35 million grant for the project Artificial Intelligence (AI) Meets Integrated Corridor Management (ICM) will support the geographic expansion of two of the RM3P program elements: 1) the Commuter Parking Information System (CPIS) and 2) the AI-Based Decision Support System (DSS). The parking tool, aimed at commuters, will help predict parking availability by drawing on a combination of historical data, real-time parking data samples, and crowd-sourced information. The DSS will use innovative technologies to recommend operational strategies for managing incidents and congestion along the I-95 corridor and the neighboring arterial network. The grant enables element expansion to Fredericksburg.

Separately, the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (MWCOG) also received an ATCMTD grant of $3 million for deploying the Dynamic Travel Demand Management (TDM) Technologies project  which will support the expansion of incenTrip into a larger deployment of personalized and dynamic traveler incentives in the DMV mega-region of the Washington, D.C., Baltimore, and Richmond metropolitan areas. MWCOG’s initiative is an independent complement to RM3P’s Dynamic Incentivization (DI) program element, but leaders from both teams will work together to optimize the user experience, providing more options without duplication.

RM3P will discuss possible backend synergies for generating incentives and coordinating rewards with MWCOG to provide a seamless experience.  This approach would offer consumers choices in how they interact with the system and gives RM3P incentive providers a single gateway to control the amount and frequency of rewards. While there is currently no standard for the interchange of incentives, this activity could become the foundation for such a standard.

Collectively, these grants will advance RM3P’s initiatives, as well as foster collaboration and communication with other regional agencies, both within Northern Virginia and elsewhere in the D.C. metro area… and beyond.

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