Starting this quarter, in each RM3P Digest we’ll interview a different RM3P Executive Committee member to hear their take on how the program will improve transportation in the region —both for the public and for transportation planners and operators. This month we spoke with Kevin Gregg, Chief of Maintenance and Operations at the Virginia Department of Transportation.

RM3P: From your perspective as VDOT’s Chief of Maintenance and Operations, what are the biggest benefits of the AI-Based Decision Support System (DSS)?

A headshot of Kevin Gregg, Chief of Maintenance and Operations at the Virginia Department of Transportation.

Kevin Gregg (KG): The DSS helps us provide a tool to manage traffic in a very complex region. The Northern Virginia region has a lot of different factors—from traffic, to transit, to parking—and the DSS helps us manage all that together. The tool pulls data from multiple sources and modes to find a solution. The really cool thing about the DSS is that as the data changes, this AI-Based DSS will change with it, and it will adapt to different traffic patterns or parking patterns. Today, it’s difficult for transportation operators and planners to complete tasks with the current resources they have. The DSS will help them do it faster, and commuters will get real-time information.

RM3P: How would you describe AI-Based DSS in five words or fewer?

KG: Using data and technology effectively.

RM3P: Congratulations on the recent ATCMTD grant! How will these funds be used to support the expansion of the AI-Based DSS to Fredericksburg and how will the D.C. region be impacted? Do you see a potential to further expand DSS in other parts of the Commonwealth?

KG: The ATCMTD grant expands the scope of the AI-Based DSS to include the Counties of Stafford and Spotsylvania. There are so many commuters from there going north to Washington D.C. There will be so many important lessons learned in that area that can be used in other areas throughout the Commonwealth.

RM3P: Are there any messages you would like to relay to the operating agencies in Northern Virginia and Fredericksburg?

KG: We’re very happy we’re developing this multi-modal tool for our agencies to work collaboratively to manage events. We’re developing and applying this advanced form of transportation management, using some of the most advanced technologies, to improve mobility. This combination of advanced technologies and collaborative effort with localities, with Metro, with transit, and parking is really going to be a game-changer for this area.

RM3P: Could you share with us your experience so far in working with your peers on the RM3P Executive Committee?

KG: This is a really complex project, so it requires collaboration to be successful. Everyone has been committed to improving mobility in the Northern Virginia region. The partners really work together and are all committed to this same goal. It shouldn’t be surprising, but in many cases, we operate with different goals. This time, everyone is focused on the same goals and is working together so well.

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