The Technical Working Group has been hard at work in the solutioning phase of RM3P. “Solutioning” is the process used to advance RM3P from initial concepts to a point at which deployment services may be procured.

Each of RM3P’s five program elements has been brought closer to reality under the stewardship of a Program Element Guidance Team (PEGT). The first part of solutioning was scoping, which wrapped up in March 2020 and included each of the five PEGTs identifying the goals they hope to accomplish under each program element. Next, they moved on to the current phase of framing, detailing how these scopes would be accomplished and articulating needs, features, and requirements.

Once framing has been completed, the PEGTs will enter the final part of solutioning: documenting, where they will translate the outputs of scoping and framing—as well as information collected through the RFI process—into statements of work. Before the documenting process, the PEGTs will identify synergies across the different program elements and bundle the statements of work together in order to optimize procurement.

At the conclusion of solutioning in late 2020, the statements of work will be released in the form of solicitation documents for response by private industry or academia, including but not limited to RFI respondents. Click here to review the full program timeline. Delivery teams will be selected to implement RM3P’s initiatives. The work may be procured by VDOT and/or through the Virginia Information Technologies Agency (VITA). More information on procurement will be shared when solutioning concludes this fall.

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