RM3P, a collaboration of VDOT, NVTA, and DRPT, encompasses the entire transportation network in Northern Virginia, from highways to arterials, park-and-rides to bicycle trails, and commuter rail to buses. The program integrates multiple aspects of this network, including safety, mobility, and real-time information.

RM3P has three goals: optimization, reliability, and customer choice. To achieve these goals, it is vital for program management and the technical leadership teams to work hand-in-hand with you, the stakeholders, to ensure the program is community-developed and incorporates the valuable insights and guidance that you provide.

We have brought together a coalition of partners to guide RM3P. Throughout the program, we expect to generate collaborative discussions and activities and receive critical inputs from you as we work together to create a more balanced transportation system.

Watch the RM3P Overview Presentation:
We hope you’ll take the time to get to know RM3P through the overview presentation we sent you recently, which includes narration from key RM3P personnel. Please be sure to watch the stakeholder video.

For questions, contact us at RM3P@vdot.virginia.gov.