
With its commencement in Fall 2019, the Regional Multi-Modal Mobility Program (RM3P) has come a long way, with ongoing collaboration, project planning, stakeholder engagement, and communications. Here we take you through a quick timeline of RM3P’s major milestones that exhibits how RM3P has evolved. The timeline also shows the important upcoming targeted milestones (subject to change), through roughly 2026; the description for these will be available when the milestone is current or has been accomplished.


SEP 2019


The RM3P Program Charter was approved on October 8, 2019 by Program Principal, Cathy McGhee (Director of Research and Innovation, VDOT) and Program Sponsor, Monica Backmon (Chief Executive Officer). Serving as a written instrument, the Charter provides details on the program background, scope, goals, and the expected outcomes. It also furnishes information on the program timeline, the program management governance structure, as well as the roles and responsibilities of the key staff and players. The Charter is a living document that will be continually updated as needed.

OCT 2019


Under the auspices of the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT), the Northern Virginia Transportation Authority (NVTA), and the Department of Rail and Public Transportation (DRPT), the program commencement officially took place on October 1, 2019; with the core Program Management and the Executive Committee, meeting for the first time within a couple of weeks after the kick-off. Funded under the Innovation and Technology Transportation Fund (ITTF), the program involves a host of innovative projects with cutting edge technologies and assumes a collaborative approach to improve safety, reliability, and mobility in the region.

NOV 2019

Organization Structure

RM3P comprises of several diverse groups with varied roles and responsibilities. With the top-tier – Executive and Management – teams kick starting RM3P in October 2019, other stakeholder and technical groups followed, including the Technical Working Group (TWG), the five Program Element Guidance Teams (PEGT), and the Communications Working Group (CWG), convening in November 2019. Each of these groups include liaison leaders from VDOT, NVTA, and DRPT; consultant team technical specialists; and knowledgeable representatives from stakeholder organizations across the region.


FEB 2020

Baseline Scope

In February 2020, each of the five Program Element Guidance Teams (PEGTs) finalized the “Baseline Scoping” exercise (began in November 2019), which proposes what is to be accomplished under Phase I of RM3P, that extends through October 2022. The phasing was expanded by a year, until October 2023, for two of the RM3P program elements, i.e., AI-Based Decision Support System (AI-DSS) and Commuter Parking Information System (CPIS) due to the availability of the federal grant award, Advanced Transportation and Congestion Management Technologies Deployment (ATCMTD). The proposed scopes were documented in a series of white papers. The encapsulating details were reviewed by the Technical Working Group (TWG) and the Executive Committee (EC), and were later revised by the technical team leaders. The scoping investigations were guided and shaped by examining the state-of-the-practice activities and evaluating technology alternatives.

MAY 2020

Planning and Engagement with the Simulation Panel

An independent expert ad-hoc panel, comprising of experts on modeling and simulation both within VDOT and independent experts from Virginia universities, was pulled together in March 2020 by Virginia Transportation Research Council (VTRC), to help guide the approach and use of simulation for the AI-Based Decision Support System (AI-DSS) program element. The Panel’s initial meeting in March 2020 resulted in the development of updated narrative and schematic for deploying the AI-DSS using the offline simulation and an overview of selected simulation models of potential interest to the region. Later in May 2020, the Panel examined the development and deployment of online versus offline simulation, concluding that the offline simulation, given the AI-DSS needs, was financially-prudent and an appropriate solution for RM3P over the long-term.

JUN 2020

Baseline Needs & Features
The initial concepts of identifying what is to be accomplished, i.e., Scoping, under each of the five program elements, were followed by explaining how it will be accomplished. This was achieved by defining essential program “Needs & Features” to set the stage for developing verifiable system requirements, which further assisted in guiding the development process. The baseline white papers, identifying the program needs, were developed in May 2020 and revised in June 2020, per the feedback and recommendations from the Technical Working Group (TWG). These white papers were later reviewed by the Executive Committee (EC) in early July 2020.

JUL 2020

Baseline Requirements
Advancing further towards deployment services, the next step in the Program Element Solutioning – a process comprising of Scoping, Framing, and Documenting – included development of high-level “Requirements” and key design components, to address the program needs identified in the companion Needs & Features white paper. The Requirements, together with the logical architecture, define what the system must be capable of doing. The Needs & Features along with the Requirements, constitute what is referred to as “Framing.” A cross-cutting view of both these white papers, for each of the five program elements, was performed to assess aggregate impacts on the overall program and later reviewed by the Executive Committee (EC), in July 2020.

NOV 2020

Project Packaging, Phasing, and Associated Procurement Strategy

RM3P’s Contracts and Agreements Working Group (CAWG) helped define, analyze, and validate procurement options and strategies, based on project needs and available contract vehicle options. The CAWG, along with the Program Management team, met with the Executive Committee seeking approval on the proposed procurement approaches for the five program elements moving forward. The final recommendations, along with the projected deployment schedule were approved by the Executive Committee in late Fall of 2020.


FEB 2020
Stage I Communications Strategic Plan

Stage I of the RM3P Communications Strategic Plan runs from October 2019 through Fall 2021. The development and execution of this Plan was overseen by RM3P’s Communications Working Group (CWG), comprising of communication specialists from the Virginia Secretary of Transportation’s Office, the three partner agencies – VDOT, NVTA, and DRPT – and the program consultant team. In December 2020, new communications staff from FAMPO was added to represent RM3P’s expanded footprint and functionality into the Fredericksburg area. This first stage of the Communications Strategic Plan mainly focuses on engagement with industry and public-agency stakeholders across the region, as well as establishing regular stakeholder communications methods and tools throughout the program. To date, the Communications Strategic Plan has accomplished various goals, such as, branding, quarterly newsletters/digests, website development, and much more. To realize the Stage I Communications Strategic Plan milestone in February 2020, strategic planning with the CWG began in November 2019.

FEB 2020

In February 2020, the CWG began development of one of its most essential communication goals, i.e., Branding. The RM3P branding encompasses three key elements: (i) Logo – to provide a visual marque to the program; (ii) Tagline – to augment the program name and create a brief description of the brand; and (iii) Domain Name – to emphasize the regional nature of the RM3P initiative. Overall, RM3P’s customized branding is intended to bring a sense of inclusiveness and “brand” familiarity among its audiences. Logo files and usage guide can be downloaded from the RM3P Website Resource Library.

MAY 2020

Quarterly Digests

In May 2020, the first in a series of electronic quarterly digests (or newsletters) was released to the public-agency stakeholders, in the form of a mini-newsletter that served as a touchpoint, both to encourage stakeholder participation and enthusiasm as well as to keep stakeholders informed on program status, plans, and actions. The Communications Working Group (CWG) released its first full-length newsletter in July 2020, followed by a Fall release in October 2020. Currently, the digest is being distributed to approximately 275 recipients, but as the communications are broadened, additional stakeholders will be included. The RM3P digests released thus far, can be found on the website’s Newsroom page.

JUN 2020

Website Launch

The RM3P team developed and launched its program website on June 29, 2020; to serve as the public home of program information. The website provides a sneak peek of the program description, program timeline, it’s five program elements, and the broad-based RM3P team. In October 2020, the website was updated to include a Newsroom, a Resource Library, and a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) page. As the program progresses, the website will be updated and maintained to serve as the “one stop shop” for any RM3P-related updates, news, opportunities to involve the public and private industry leaders, and act as a repository for key documents and resources.

JUL 2020

Program Element Icons
In July 2020, the Communications Working Group (CWG) oversaw the design and development of icons, that provide a visual representation to each of the five RM3P program elements. These custom icons are used in all external-facing program communications, thereby offering an easier way to locate a specific program element of interest to the stakeholder. All icons consistently use the same theme, with a notion to keep the design simple yet effective in conveying the overall concept. The icons can be viewed on several RM3P communication products, including on the RM3P fact sheet.

AUG 2020

Fact Sheet
An initial version of the fact sheet was developed and launched in March 2020, at the NVTA’s Roundtable forum. The fact sheet provided an abstract overview of RM3P, along with a brief description of its five program elements; also displaying the RM3P and its three partner agency logos. Later in Fall 2020, the fact sheet was revised and re-designed to include up-to-date program and program-element specific information, as well as to showcase the five program element icons. The latest version of the fact sheet can be accessed and downloaded from the RM3P website Resource Library.

AUG 2020

Messaging Document

In Summer 2020, the RM3P team developed a messaging document, intended for internal use, to help guide the development of stakeholder and public communications materials, as well as to ensure consistent use of language across all strategic communications about the program. The messaging document contains overarching program information, responses to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about RM3P, and recommended key words to use in describing RM3P to targeted audiences. Later in Fall 2020, the document was updated to include varied elevator pitches targeted at different audiences, i.e., customers, transportation operators and planners, private sector partners, and business community.

OCT 2020

Animations to Illustrate User Stories

In time for the Stakeholder Advisory Group (SAG) Summit and the Focus Groups in late October 2020, the RM3P team prepared animated videos to illustrate user stories for four of the five RM3P program elements (excluding Data-Exchange Platform, which is more of a system-to-system interface.) The videos include animation, graphics, movement effects, and narrative voice overs; providing visually appealing and easy to comprehend abstract concepts of RM3P.  These animations are available on the RM3P Vimeo platform, as well as on the program website, as hyperlinks under the respective program element.

JUN 2021

Stage II Communications Strategic Plan

The Stage II of the Communications Strategic Plan will focus on broadening and strengthening the existing channels of engagement with public and industry agency stakeholders. New channels of outreach will be established to engage with industry offerors, third-party providers, elected officials, business community, key decision-makers, general public, and media. Subsequently, more content and resources will be added to the website, providing additional details about each program element and RM3P in general. A draft plan was developed in October 2020, which will be refined and finalized in Fall 2021.

Stakeholder Engagement: Public-Agency

APR 2020

On-Demand Presentation

In March 2020, the RM3P team planned to organize a public-agency Stakeholder Advisory Group (SAG) Summit, with an objective to keep the regional agency stakeholders informed about the program and also to solicit their inputs. However, due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the in-person Summit had to be cancelled. As an alternative to this cancellation, on April 24, 2020, the Management Team released an online, on-demand, recorded RM3P Overview Presentation, introducing stakeholders to the RM3P Initiative, using the Vimeo platform. The presentation is just over 40 minutes in length. The downloadable PDF version is available in the Resource Library.

JUN 2020


The RM3P Management Team utilized a modified and flexible digital approach to engaging with the public-agency stakeholders, to fulfill the dual objectives of sharing important information about RM3P and engaging stakeholders in providing insights and guidance to help shape the program requirements. While the first objective was accomplished with the On-Demand Presentation; the second objective was achieved by an Online Questionnaire, released in early June 2020. The questionnaire helped seek inputs, insights, and guidance into specific topics from our agency partners; as well as aided the team to gauge stakeholders’ interest in becoming involved in RM3P. All in all, the questionnaire received approximately 40 responses, representing nearly 20 different stakeholder agencies. Additional information related to the questionnaire can be found on the newsroom page.

SEP 2020

Targeted One-on-One Communications

After discussions with the Executive Committee in Summer 2020, as well as the interactions with various public transit agencies; questions began accruing regarding the utility and future of the Multi-Modal Analytical Planner (MMAP) program element, specifically on whether its deployment should move forward as planned, be postponed, or cancelled altogether. There also was uncertainty around transit stakeholder’s capacity to use a new tool while managing COVID-19 impact on the industry, and a possibility of leveraging an existing tool that requires design modifications. As a result, several conversations with the transit and MMAP stakeholders were held, including a meeting with the transit community leaders in late August 2020, as well as a meeting with the regional Transportation Demand Management (TDM) coordinators in early September 2020, seeking inputs on the Dynamic Incentivization program element.

OCT 2020

Focus Groups and Summit

The RM3P Management Team successfully conducted four Focus Group sessions and a Stakeholder Advisory Group (SAG) Summit, held between October 27-29, 2020. The purpose of these meetings were numerous, including: (i) providing updates to participants on basic information about RM3P that has evolved since the release of the On-Demand Presentation, (ii) gathering their inputs on preliminary solutions to the real-world needs and challenges necessary to deploy RM3P, and (iii) continuing the process of generating regional stakeholder buy-in of RM3P. The theme of all the meetings, overall, was collaboration among the regional partners. The team accomplished and learned a lot during the dialogue with the regional stakeholders, who were overwhelmingly supportive of the general direction in which the program is headed. The focus group meeting attendance totaled around 70 participants, with an approximate attendance of 110 participants at the Summit.

MAY 2021

Fredericksburg Summits

As RM3P expanded southwards from its original geographic scope, the Management Team successfully conducted two stakeholder summits, held respectively on May 13 and May 26, 2021, for its Fredericksburg-area stakeholders. The purpose of these summits were to provide a high-level overview of the program; and primarily to assess stakeholders’ understanding as well as to obtain their input and feedback on RM3P’s two program elements – the AI-Based Decision Support System (AI-DSS) and the Commuter Parking Information System (CPIS). Both events were in a virtual setting with as high engagement level as possible; this was validated by the stakeholder attendees feedback that was overwhelmingly positive. The high interaction level was achieved by making use of different tools, e.g., polling, animations, whiteboard, panel discussions, etc. The two summits’ attendance totaled around 80 participants.


Ongoing Stakeholder Engagement

Engagement with the RM3P stakeholders continued even through the extensive procurement process. Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) and other stakeholder representatives from various regional agencies were involved during the procurement process for each of the four program elements and were part of the procurement panels who helped in down-selecting the Offerors. An extensive number of stakeholders continue to be involved in the several different groups and committees for DEP, AI-DSS, DI, and CPIS program elements, who meet on a regular basis to get project-related status updates.

Stakeholder Engagement: Industry

JUN 2020

Industry Webinar

The RM3P Team took a multi-layer approach to engage with the Industry stakeholders, beginning with the issuance of a Request for Information (RFI) on June 12, 2020. The RFI invited industry practitioners to react to the preliminary plans for RM3P deployment, as well as to describe applicable technologies, project experiences, and emerging trends. Following the RFI release, an Industry Webinar was conducted live and in a virtual setting on June 25, 2020, to brief the industry stakeholders on RM3P and to answer their clarifying questions. The webinar was attended by 116 industry stakeholders, representing 45 private vendors. The total number of attendees was 139, including 23 RM3P team participants. Subsequently, an addendum to the RFI was released to answer a total of 56 questions submitted prior to and during the live webinar session.

AUG 2020
RFI and One-on-One Communications

Following the RFI release and the Industry Webinar in June 2020, written responses to the RFI were received in early July 2020. All told, 54 industry companies and universities, comprising of 41 teams, responded to the RFI. The RM3P Management Team then conducted online, one-on-one discussions with each of the 41 respondents, between late July and early August 2020. The team learned a great deal about industry’s capabilities to support RM3P and also identified areas where the team needed to be clearer about what is required.

OCT 2020

RFI Takeaways for Program Adjustments

Following the one-on-one sessions with industry, the Management Team assessed important takeaways in relation to individual RM3P program elements and the program as a whole. The team also discussed procurement strategies and identified actions needed for decision-making. In particular, insights were gleaned about structuring the procurement approach. The discussion with Industry also suggested the need for changes to two RM3P program elements. To that end, the Data Lake/Data Store (DL/DS) was renamed to Data-Exchange Platform (DEP). Similarly, the Mobility Gap Dashboard (MGD) was changed to the Multi-Modal Analytical Planner (MMAP).

Solution Team Selection

Data-Exchange Platform

SEP 2020

RITIS-DEP Negotiations

In September 2020, the RM3P Executive Committee authorized commencement of negotiations with the University of Maryland’s (UMD) Center for Advanced Transportation Technology (CATT) Laboratory to use CATT’s Regional Integrated Transportation Information System (RITIS) as the foundational component for the RM3P Data-Exchange Platform (DEP). Prior to the negotiations, investigations were conducted to assess whether RITIS capabilities will meet the needs of RM3P DEP. To that end, a high-level economic review of implementing RITIS as the RM3P DEP vs. a “build-it-from-scratch” (open-market procurement) approach was performed. This involved coordination with VDOT’s Administrative Services Division (ASD), both prior to and during the negotiations process. To guide the process of negotiations, a RITIS-DEP Negotiations Plan was also developed in October 2020.

NOV 2020

DEP Statement of Work

In October 2020, VDOT formally notified UMD CATT Lab of interest in using RITIS as the RM3P DEP; following which in November 2020, VDOT released a Statement-of-Work (SOW) to adapt, implement, and operate RITIS as RM3P’s foundational component. For the purpose of arriving at an agreement with UMD CATT Lab, a seven-member VDOT Negotiations Team was established, with an additional three-person panel designated as the “Front-Line Negotiators” who represented RM3P in negotiating with CATT Lab. Bob Osmond, VDOT’s Chief of Technology and Business Strategy, was one of the key front-line negotiators. The structure, details, risks, issues, and final review of the SOW were discussed with the Negotiations Team, followed by the release of the final Negotiations Package that comprised of the SOW, DEP and non-DEP white papers, data sources catalog, logical architecture, and proposal guidance.

MAR 2021

VDOT-UMD Contract Execution

Following VDOT’s release of the Statement-of-Work (SOW), UMD CATT Lab submitted an unofficial RITIS-DEP pre-proposal in November 2020. Several rounds of discussions and clarifying questions and answers ensued thereafter. CATT Lab subsequently submitted a formal RITIS-DEP proposal in January 2021, which was thoroughly vetted and reviewed by the Negotiations Team; and the approach approved and finalized by the RM3P’s Executive Committee in February 2021. After the negotiations were finalized, in March 2021, VDOT extended an existing RITIS Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) contract to UMD CATT Lab for RM3P DEP development.

APR 2021

DEP Kick-Off

Following VDOT’s execution of the supplemental MOU contract with UMD CATT Lab, RM3P’s foundational project, i.e., Data-Exchange Platform (DEP) commencement officially took place in April 2021. The project startup included organizing, establishing, and debriefing a VDOT-led multi-agency DEP Oversight Committee, whose role is to provide strategic guidance and project oversight. The inaugural meeting for the DEP Oversight Committee took place on April 14, followed by the DEP project Kick-Off meeting on April 22.

AI-Based Decision Support System

JAN-AUG 2021

Solicitation Package
In Fall 2020, the RM3P Executive Committee (EC) approved the proposed procurement approach recommendations, put forward by the RM3P Management Team, for the AI-Based Decision Support System (AI-DSS). Consequently, in early-Spring 2021, the team began confirming the funding allocations, developing Statements-of-Work (SOW) and, established Procurement Panels for AI-DSS. The developed scope, procurement concept, and budgets were presented back to the EC to secure their consent on the general plans for moving forward. In the interim, the RM3P Team worked with VDOT’s Administrative Services Division (ASD) and the Virginia Information Technologies Agency (VITA) in securing a series of procurement-related forms; and making sure all the federal procedures and requirements are met. The solicitation materials will be released in late-Summer/early-Fall 2021, following a two-step process: a Request for Qualifications (RFQ), followed by a Request for Proposal (RFP).

AUG 2021

RFQ Release

On August 31, 2021, the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) posted a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) solicitation for the Artificial Intelligence-Based Decision Support System (AI-DSS) through their procurement website, eVA. Expressions of Interest (EOIs) were received on October 6, 2021. Qualified offerors were then invited to respond to the Request for Proposal (RFP).

FEB 2022

RFP Release

On February 2, 2022, the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) posted a Request for Proposal (RFP) solicitation for the Artificial Intelligence-Based Decision Support System (AI-DSS) through its procurement website eVA. The release of this RFP is the second step in a two-tiered competitive procurement process. In the first step, Offerors were invited to respond to a Request for Qualification (RFQ) by submitting an Expression of Interest (EOI). 19 EOIs were received in response to the RFP. Pre-qualified Offerors will compete to deploy AI-DSS by responding to the RFP with full technical and pricing proposals. Responses for the RFP were received on March 30, 2022.

SEP 2023

Contract Announcement

Following the release of the RFP, the AI-DSS Procurement Panel reviewed, scored, and down-selected the proposals. The down-selected Offerors then had a chance to provide demonstrations, based on which the Panel re-scored and further down-selected the Offerors. This was followed by a review of the Pricing Proposals as well as the onset of the Virginia Information Technology Agency’s (VITA) Enterprise Cloud Oversight Service (ECOS) process. As the ECOS process continued, the AI-DSS Procurement Panel began Negotiations with the down-selected Offerors. After the final negotiations were complete, a Final Offeror (Supplier) was selected.

VDOT’s Administrative Services Division (ASD) then coordinated with the Supplier to begin development of the VDOT-Supplier Contract Package. This required intervention in the form of reviews from the Office of the Attorney General (OAG), VITA, technical teams, and the Supplier. Approval on the ECOS review was furnished in Spring 2023. The Contract Package development continued before it was finalized and submitted to VITA and OAG for a formal high-risk review in May 2023. Approval from OAG on the Contract Package was received in June 2023 and from VITA in July 2023. A Notice-of-Intent-to Award (NOIA) was posted on eVA on July 31, 2023.

Given the nature and complexity of the AI-DSS project, the procurement was considered high-risk and so the contract required review and approval of the Commonwealth Transportation Board (CTB). The resolution authorizing contract execution was approved by the CTB on September 20, 2023.

NOV 2023

Project Start-Up

Following CTB’s approval, the Contract Package was signed by the Supplier, the Commissioner, as well as other parties within VDOT. Any formalities to execute the contract award were completed by ASD before issuing the Notice-to-Proceed (NTP) on November 10, 2023.  

The project startup included organizing and establishing several different stakeholder groups and committees as well as gathering their feedback in preparation for the AI-DSS project kick-off meeting held between November 13-14, 2023.

Dynamic Incentivization

JAN-AUG 2021
Solicitation Package
The Dynamic Incentivization (DI) followed a similar approach to the Artificial Intelligence-Based Decision Support System (AI-DSS), where the RM3P Executive Committee (EC) approved the proposed procurement approach in Fall 2020, which was followed by development of Statements-of-Work (SOW), getting confirmation on funding allocations, and establishing the DI Procurement Panel. The developed solicitation concepts and budgets were agreed upon by the EC in Spring 2021. In the meantime, the RM3P Team worked on securing the procurement-related forms and making sure all federal requirements are met. Similar to AI-DSS, DI will follow a two-step process: a Request for Qualifications (RFQ), followed by a Request for Proposal (RFP).

SEP 2021

RFQ Release

On September 14, 2021, the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) posted a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) solicitation for the Dynamic Incentivization through their procurement site, eVA. Expressions of Interest (EOIs) were received on October 20, 2021. Qualified offerors were then invited to respond to the Request for Proposal (RFP).

MAR 2022

RFP Release

On March 4, 2022, the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) posted a Request for Proposal (RFP) solicitation for the Dynamic Incentivization through their procurement site, eVA. Offerors, in Fall 2021, were invited to respond to a Request for Qualification (RFQ) by submitting an Expression of Interest (EOI). 12 EOIs were received in response to the RFQ. Pre-qualified Offerors will now compete to deploy DI initiative by responding to the RFP with full technical and pricing proposals. Responses for the RFP were received on April 29, 2022.

MAR 2024

Contract Announcement

Following the release of the RFP, the DI Procurement Panel reviewed, scored, and down-selected the proposals. The down-selected Offerors then had a chance to provide demonstrations, based on which the Panel re-scored and further down-selected the Offerors. This was followed by a review of Pricing Proposals as well as the onset of the Virginia Information Technology Agency’s (VITA) ECOS process. While the ECOS process continued, the DI Panel began Negotiations with the down-selected Offerors. After the final negotiations were complete, a Final Offeror (Supplier) was selected.

VDOT’s Administrative Services Division (ASD) then coordinated with the Supplier to begin development of the VDOT-Supplier Contract Package. This required extensive review and interaction with the Office of the Attorney General (OAG), VITA, technical teams, and the Supplier. Approval on the ECOS review was furnished in November 2023. The Contract Package development continued before it was finalized and submitted to VITA and OAG for a formal review in November 2023. Approval from VITA and OAG was received in January 2024. A Notice-of-Intent-to Award (NOIA) was posted on eVA in late-February 2024, then on March 18, 2024, VDOT executed a contract with Metropia, Inc. to develop the DI project.

MAR 2024

Project Start-Up

Following the contract execution on March 18, 2024, the Dynamic Incentivization (DI) project officially started. Project startup included organizing and establishing several different stakeholder groups and committees prior to the DI administrative kick off held on March 19, 2024. This was followed by a technical project kick-off meeting on March 27, 2024, where the several different stakeholder groups were in attendance.

Commuter Parking Information System

MAR-DEC 2021

Solicitation Package

Following Executive Committee’s (EC) approval (Fall 2020) on the proposed procurement approach, the team began developing the Statement-of-Work (SOW) and established a Procurement Panel for the Commuter Parking Information System (CPIS), in late-Spring 2021. While the SOW is under development and undergoes a series of review cycles, the team continues to work on securing the VITA-related procurement forms and obtaining any needed clearance and waiver on the federal procedures. The developed scope, procurement concept, and budgets were presented to the EC in July 2021 to obtain their consent. The solicitation materials are expected to be released as a Request for Proposal (RFP) in late-Fall 2021.

JUN 2022

RFP Release

On June 29, 2022, the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) posted a Request for Proposal solicitation for the Smart Parking Insight project (a subset of the Commuter Parking Information System) through their procurement site, eVA. Responses for the RFP were received on September 13, 2022

AUG 2024

Contract Announcement

The CPIS project followed a similar path as the AI-DSS and DI projects, where the Procurement Panel reviewed, scored, and down-selected the proposals, including thorough negotiations with the Offeror. After the negotiations were complete, VDOT’s Administrative Services Division (ASD) coordinated with the Supplier to begin development of the VDOT-Supplier Contract Package. This required extensive review and interaction with the Office of the Attorney General (OAG), Virginia Information Technology Agency (VITA), technical teams, and the Supplier. Approval on the ECOS review was furnished in April 2024. The contract package was then sent to VITA and OAG for a formal review. Approval from OAG was received in June 2024 and from VITA in July 2024. Consequently, the next steps in the process – price reasonableness, all-parties contract agreement, evaluation reporting, and posting of Notice of Award (NOA) – were finished and the contract executed on August 16, 2024.

AUG 2024

Project Start-Up

Following the contract execution, the Commuter Parking Information System (CPIS) project officially started with an administrative kick-off meeting on August 19, 2024. This was followed by kick-off meetings with the several different project groups and committees, including a technical kick-off meeting held on September 9, 2024.

JAN 2025

Data Validation

An independent collection and documentation of the parking lot data will be performed to validate the timeliness and accuracy of the changes in parking lot status as reported by the Smart Parking Insight (a subset of CPIS) Supplier, ParkZen. Data validation will first be performed on the six Proof-of-Concept (POC) parking lots and it will then continue for the lots identified under the Smart Parking Insight’s extended deployment phase.

Multi-Modal Analytical Planner

DEC 2021

On Indefinite Hold

In Fall 2020, RM3P’s Executive Committee (EC) discussed plans for placing Multi-Modal Analytical Planner (MMAP) on pause, while the RM3P Management and Technical Teams determined the impacts of the pandemic on overall transit usage in the region. At EC’s request, the RM3P team reevaluated the initiative in light of where things stood a year later. After consulting with key stakeholders, including DRPT, the team provided a recommendation that the MMAP project be placed on an indefinite hold. The principal reason for this recommendation was COVID-19, and the still uncertain impacts on our region’s transportation system, that continue to make it impossible to adequately judge the utility of MMAP. MMAP was originally envisioned as a transformative project which would, in some respects, significantly alter the processes that multiple agencies use for transportation planning in the region. Asking agencies to transform their established processes at the same time the transportation system is, itself, undergoing significant change seemed unnecessarily risky.

The management team still strongly believes in the vision of MMAP and anticipates that it will continue to be a worthy concept once a “new normal” for our transportation network is established. However, given that it is currently impossible to predict when the “new normal” will arise, MMAP has been put on hold indefinitely. The RM3P Team will periodically be reviewing the situation and determining whether to move forward with MMAP or take other actions.

Development, Deployment & Integration

Data-Exchange Platform

APR-MAY 2021

Project Initiation

After VDOT’s issuance of Notice-to-Proceed (NTP) to UMD CATT Lab, the DEP project officially kicked-off, in April 2021, with prompt project initiation. To develop the RM3P DEP, UMD CATT Lab is undertaking a hybrid agile process, with a development schedule of 21 months. For the initial 3-months, the project development team began planning, data discovering, updating the requirements, and prioritizing & assigning the epics and sprints. A Project Management Plan (PMP), a Change Management Plan (CMP), and a preliminary schedule were also developed as part of the 3-month project initiation. To deliver a fully functional DEP, the project development is broken down into six epics (epics are portions of work that can be broken down into smaller tasks. Each epic is 3 months in length and will be accomplished in a series of sprints, each approximately 2-weeks in length.) The development will be followed by five 1-year Operations and Maintenance (O&M) cycles.

APR-JUN 2021

Initial Data Discovery

The DEP project development team elected to conduct a less-extensive initial data discovery process upfront, followed by targeted data discovery updates between each of the six development epics. This approach was adopted to allow the development process to commence faster, as well as to allow the ecosystem of the data sources to evolve over the development period to ensure the project team discovers the most current and relevant information. During the 3-month duration of the initial data discovery, between April-June 2021, the team gathered data on rail, parking, transit, traffic signals, ATMS, among other datasets. By the end of June, a series of deliverables were submitted to the DEP management team. These included: Data Dictionary, Data Catalog, Solution Architecture, System Requirements, among others. The deliverables are all living documents and will therefore remain as drafts throughout the duration of the project.

JUL-SEP 2021

Development Epic 1

The DEP Team continued the data discovery on top of priority data sources, including verification of new data sources for Epic 1. RM3P dedicated APIs were developed for various endpoints (parking, ATMS,  RWIS, transit, etc.) in support of the interfaced systems. The team also began the development of a DEP Landing Webpage and established a data connector to export bulk data (all existing data contained in the DEP) to VDOT’s Azure-based Data Warehouse for data analytics purposes. The data source systems that were completed under Epic 1 data ingestions are:

  • VDOT ATMS (device status, incident/congestion/special events/work zone)
  • WAZE (incidents)
  • INRIX (speed and travel times)
  • VDOT RWIS (directly from vendor)
  • VDOT Parking Lot Inventory​
  • VDOT Parking Lots Typical Occupancy
  • VRE Parking​ Lot Capacity and Real-Time Occupancy

OCT-DEC 2021

Development Epic 2

For Epic 2, the focus was on completing all available regional transit data, which involved coordination and customization to verify adherence and conformance to the standardized GTFS and GTFS-RT formats. The team also launched the DEP Landing Webpage to provide account access for DEP data users.  Moreover, the team completed data exports framework, which automatically exports and uploads all DEP datasets to VDOT Azure cloud on a monthly basis. The following interfaces and data types have been ingested to the DEP as of Epic 2:

  • WMATA Bus and Rail GTFS and GTFS-RT​
  • WMATA Bus and Rail Incidents (disruptions/outages)​
  • WMATA Station Incident
  • WMATA Parking​ Lot Capacities
  • Arlington Transit ART Bus GTFS and GTFS-RT
  • Alexandria DASH Bus GTFS and GTFS-RT
  • Fairfax Connector Bus GTFS and GTFS-RT
  • Loudoun County Transit Bus GTFS
  • Fredericksburg Regional Transit FRED Bus GTFS
  • INRIX (real-time speed and real-time travel times via the INRIX streaming data API​)

It’s worthy to note that the VDOT Traffic Signals/KITS and Transurban Express Lanes interfaces, which were originally part of Epic 2, needed to be moved to Epic 3 or later due to logistical reasons.

JAN-MAR 2022

Development Epic 3
For Epic 3, while the original goal was to ingest Express Lanes (EL) data from Transurban and signal data from VDOT KITS, the team faced multiple challenges and instead shifted focus to the following additional interfaces being prepared for ingestion:

  • Capital Bike Share data
  • VDOT Detector Data including
    • Historical Quality Controlled Detector Data
    • Real-Time Wavetronix Data​
    • Real-Time Q-Free Loop Detector Data​
    • Real-Time ATMS (OpenTMS) Detector Data

APR-JUN 2022

Development Epic 4

For Epic 4, the data ingestion included VDOT detector data (historical TMS), Transurban datasets (gate controllers, incidents, detectors, and DMS), toll rates from SmarterRoads portal (including, VDOT I-66 Inside the Beltway and Transurban Express Lanes), City of Alexandria traffic controller reports, and Open TMS data backfills. API documentation and some additional enhancements were also performed during Epic 4. The DEP team continued to face challenges in gathering certain datasets that were desirable, but unavailable for ingestion during the initial contract term.

JUL-SEP 2022

Development Epic 5

Originally Epics 5 and 6 were scoped to ingest data from the other RM3P program elements. However, since all of the other three program elements continued to be under procurement during DEP initial development phase, the focus shifted to ingesting other available data. This included data from VDOT bike facilities, GTFS data from CUE (City of Fairfax), as well as VDOT TMS detector data. Further datasets, to support AI-DSS and DI, were also identified for ingestion into DEP.

OCT-DEC 2022

Development Epic 6

The initial-period of DEP development concluded with Epic 6, which involved ingestion of several other datasets not already in the DEP. These included Bike Arlington (including, count stations and bike eco-counters), DRPT’s aggregated statewide transit ridership, Wejo vehicle events and trajectories, and Arlington’s traffic count data.

DEC 2022

Full Launch

The Data-Exchange Platform (DEP) was launched on December 19, 2022 with full capabilities.

The DEP team strives to make continuous improvements, enhancements, and intends to add more data in the coming years. The proposed enhancements will be prioritized by VDOT based on the funding availability as well as the readiness of data sources. DEP’s top priority, however, will be providing support to the other RM3P program elements and data ingestion from RM3P. Continuous improvements to DEP will include performance metrices, user feedback, and technology evolution. For more information on DEP, please visit and refer to the DEP As-Built Summary

AI-Based Decision Support System

JUL 2024

Development Epic 1

During Epic 1, an Operational Workshop with Stakeholders (36 participants from VDOT Northern Virginia, VDOT Fredericksburg, VDOT Central Office, Transurban, Alexandria, Arlington, I-66 EMP, OmniRide/PRTC, Fairfax Connector, DRPT, MATOC, and the Project Team) was held. An overview of what AI-DSS is and what AI-DSS isn’t kicked off the event followed by discussions around the different use cases. The project team collected feedback from agency users on strategies, use cases, and prediction opportunities as well as feedback on triggers and trigger opportunities. Epic 1 development work concluded with a walkthrough demonstrating the completed Epic1 Backlog. During the Epic 1 development, technical aspects completed included the development of the GUI Map Viewer with various data layers, signal importation for the I-95 Polygon Pilot area, the initial set of response plans being coded, and offline Simulation and Modeling development and calibration of the I-95 Polygon Pilot area. Major technical work in progress included Rules Engine build out integration with the GUI and simulation, API updates for Response Plans, beginning work on the offline Simulation and Modeling development for the Northern Virginia model, congestion prediction, and parking occupancy prediction.

SEP 2024

Development Epic 2

During Epic 2, Response Plan development continued as one-on-one meetings with individual stakeholders were held to discuss response plan strategies. Work also began for response plan workflow for post Epic 2 as response plan integration continued. User profiles were set up and DSS KPI’s reviewed. Rules Engine integration continued with finalizing interfaces with other subsystems and developing trigger rules. Rules and event evaluation was also in progress. The offline Simulation and Modeling finished calibration of the I-95 Polygon Pilot area model and continued work on the Northern Virginia model. The development plan was completed for the real-time simulation model and results were reviewed. The GUI development tasks completed included Map Viewer updates, data integration for traffic signals and tolling, user profile management setup, alerts module updates, and dashboard mockups. API development continued. Additionally, developed integration with simulation and the rules engine was also completed by the GUI. With regards to prediction, congestion prediction and parking occupancy prediction continued development progress, and work began on the initial release of the transit next stop prediction. Prediction model results were reviewed with the incident risk prediction assessment in progress. Epic 2 development work concluded with a walkthrough demonstrating the completed Epic 2 Backlog.

FEB 2025

Development Epic 3

The kickoff for Epic 3 included rolling out the Early Adopter Program which comprises of a small group of adopters representing key stakeholders in the Epic 3 pilot area. Roles and responsibilities for the Early Adopter team include: help finalize system views for their respective agency, support System Acceptance Testing (SAT) with emphasis on User Experience Testing, use the AI-DSS in a limited way post Epic 3 deployment to validate it meets their respective agency needs, advocate the system to their respective agency during full-scale rollout in 2025, provide feedback to project management on process and system progress, and recommend improvements to user experience. 

The Epic 3 Response Plan Library was completed and simulation of the response plan scoring. Critical path deliverables approved included Epic 3 System Requirements Specification, System Acceptance Test Plan, System Acceptance Test Scripts, Early Adopter training plan and material, and System Design Document. Pilot calibration completed with pilot testing and integration configured. User management and alert modules completed. Traffic signal, Transit service, MATOC, and OpenTMS events data completed to include mapping event latitude/longitude to roadway segment.  GUI development finished with response plan and georeferencing integration from dotstream to Rules Engine. Initial release of the Transit Next Stop Prediction. Updates completed on the user management, alerts module, and the DSS dashboard.  Epic 3 concluded by reaching an important milestone with the completion of the Epic 3 System Acceptance Testing.  Project Stakeholders along with development team ran a variety of test scripts to demonstrate and verify the capabilities of the solution. All tests passed successfully. The congestion and parking prediction engines ran and collected data followed by the analyzation of the results that determined if accuracy targets were met. The Early Adopter Team will begin using the system and provide us with valuable feedback needed to ensure AI-DSS meets the needs of our stakeholder users.

AUG 2025

Development Epic 4

To Be Announced

JAN 2026

Development Epic 5

To Be Announced

FEB 2026

System Validation

To Be Announced

MAR 2026

Service Commencement

To Be Announced

Dynamic Incentivization

DEC 2024

Backend, App Development, and Beta Test

The backend and the Dynamic Incentivization (DI) app development began immediately after the project initiation and startup in March 2024. The technology infrastructure supporting DI is based on the Supplier’s (Metropia) demand management system, the core of which features a Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) platform and the associated app, GoMyWayVA. The app integrates a configurable and highly personalized intermodal trip planner, an enhanced mobility wallet, a trip log, and a robust behavior engine.

An early version of the GoMyWayVA app was launched in December 2024 during what is being referred to as Beta Test phase. The purpose of this phase is to gain valuable early feedback on app features and functionality as well as identify and resolve issues prior to the GoMyWayVA Pioneer Launch in February 2025.

FEB 2025

Loyalty & Challenges Pioneer Launch

The GoMyWayVA app was soft launched (Pioneer Launch) on February 3, 2025. During the Pioneer Launch phase, a limited group of users (up to 2K) – called Pioneers – will have exclusive access to the app to provide feature testing and feedback. These Pioneers will play a key role in promoting the app, sharing their experiences to build awareness and engagement within their communities. Pioneers will test new app features, provide feedback on usability, and identify any bugs to help refine the app before its public release. Under the Pioneer Launch, only the Loyalty and Challenges components of the Dynamic Incentivization (DI) project are being implemented to encourage user interaction, build early loyalty, and reward active users for continued engagement. The feedback will be collected for several months to fine-tune the GoMyWayVA app features and user experience prior to the Full Launch in Summer 2025.

AUG 2025

Dynamic Incentives Integration & Full Launch

To Be Announced

Commuter Parking Information System

JUL 2024

Manage Existing Parking: API to Industry

In the Northern Virginia and Fredericksburg region, VRE maintains 15 parking lots and WMATA maintains 52 parking lots equipped with sensors that report parking lot occupancy. All of this data is being reported in real time to the Data-Exchange Platform and is available via an API.

NOV 2024

Implement Real-Time Parking Availability Data Collection

VDOT is piloting an innovative, hardware-free approach to providing real-time occupancy information for commuter lots across Northern Virginia and Fredericksburg. By using the ParkZen mobile application, which relies on crowdsourced data and advanced analytics, drivers can identify which commuter lots have available parking and avoid time-consuming searches for parking. The goal is to encourage more sustainable travel, reduce congestion, and improve air quality by making it easier for commuters who choose transit and ridesharing options to find available parking. During the six-month Proof-of-Concept (POC) trial, the technology will be tested at six parking lots, including both VDOT-owned and VRE station lots. If successful, the deployment will continue to more than 50 additional lots during the Extended Deployment Phase.

May 2025

POC Testing & Go Live

VDOT is currently evaluating the accuracy of the real-time parking availability solution, under the Proof-of-Concept (POC) phase. An independent validation team is testing the crowdsourced data approach to determine its accuracy, cost-effectiveness, and suitability for broader deployment. If successful, VDOT plans to roll it out to over 50 additional lots in Northern Virginia and Fredericksburg, under what is being called the Extended Deployment Phase.

DEC 2025

AI-Based Predicted Parking Availability Data

To Be Announced

DEC 2025

Outreach to Parking API Consumers

To be Announced

JUL 2027

Full Launch Testing & Go Live

To be Announced


APR 2020
Baseline Performance Measurement Indicators

A team, led by Virginia Transportation Research Council (VTRC), designated to look into evaluation planning, was set up early on in the program, essentially to have an evaluation plan for the RM3P Initiative. In April 2020, the evaluation team was focused to look into issues related to performance measures, transit data, among others. Consequently, the team defined and developed some preliminary performance measures for each of the five program elements.

APR 2020
Develop Evaluation Scope

In April 2020, alongside the development of the performance measures, the evaluation team also developed an evaluation scope for the independent and the development teams, providing conceptual requirements for vendor evaluation measures. For each of the report-out items, the evaluation scope document provides a relevant “performance measure identifier” tracing back to the performance measurement matrix.

NOV 2024

Select an Independent Evaluation Team

In November 2024, VDOT selected Kimley-Horn as the independent evaluator for RM3P, after having requested responses and releasing the statement of work to the Operations Planning On-Call teams (excluding Kapsch TrafficCom) in August 2024. A kick-off meeting was held in December 2024 to get the Evaluations Team up-to-speed on the different RM3P projects.

MAR 2025

Conduct Independent Evaluations with Interim Recommendations

The timeline for RM3P evaluations varies from project-to-project. The first major task under evaluations is to gather information and collect data on the four RM3P projects to develop an Amplified Evaluation Plan. A Detailed Evaluation Plan will then be developed detailing the schedule, assessment of available data sources, data collection plan, approach to evaluation, and more. Additionally, an Evaluation Committee has also been formed to lead and oversee activities undertaken by the evaluator. The committee consists of representatives from VTRC, VDOT, DRPT, NVTA, FAMPO, and FHWA.

Sustainability Planning & Agency Transition

JUL 2022

Task Force Planning

In Summer 2022, an RM3P Sustainability Task Force was established. The primary objectives of the Task Force are two-fold: determining post-deployment agency stewardship for each RM3P program element, and identifying long-term funding streams for RM3P operations and enhancements. The Task Force comprises of three voting members, one each from VDOT, DRPT, and NVTA. Supporting the voting members are the Task Force’s Support Team from each of the three respective agencies, as well as the RM3P management team that serves as the technical and logistical staff.

JUN 2023

Task Force Recommendations

The Task Force plans on meeting four times between Fall 2022 and Summer 2023 to focus on the topics of stewardship and funding sources. The consolidated outcomes and recommendations from the Task Force meetings will be presented to the RM3P Executive Committee in Summer 2023.

MAY 2024

RM3P Stewardship Orientation Workshop

After the RM3P Executive Committee approved the Sustainability Task Force Report in January 2024, an orientation workshop was scheduled with the organizations and individuals, who will assume permanent stewardship for RM3P in late-2026. This workshop was convened in Richmond on May 8, 2024. Approximately 25 individuals – all of whom are expected to have direct or indirect stewardship responsibility for RM3P – participated in the workshop. Topics covered during the workshop included: (1) what RM3P stewardship means; (2) responsibilities of the RM3P stewards; (3) details of the action plans for assuming permanent stewardship of the RM3P program elements; and (4) the milestones and timetables for transitioning to permanent stewardship. There was extensive discussion and questions about RM3P stewardship, and next steps were also examined.

Next steps in the Sustainability process included: (1) in-depth discussion with senior staff in VDOT’s Traffic Operations Division (TOD) and with the senior staff in DRPT, convened in September 2024 and November 2024, respectively. TOD will assume stewardship for three of the four RM3P projects, i.e., DEP, AI-DSS, and CPIS, whereas DRPT will assume stewardship for DI. Discussions were held on the specific skills and levels of resources needed to support the program elements in preparation for transition to the permanent stewards. Additionally, Breakout Working Group Meetings will be held in Winter-Spring 2025 – one for each RM3P program element (involving both existing and permanent stewards); as well as a Full-Group Round-Up Session, with all the stewards, to be held in Spring-Summer 2025.

DEC 2026

Agency Transition

To Be Announced
