Regional Multi-Modal Mobility Program
The RM3P’s mission is to leverage the collaborative use of real-time data by Virginia’s public and private sectors to improve travel safety, reliability, and mobility, and to give the public the tools to make more informed travel choices.
The RM3P is a collaborative and data driven program to improve safety, reliability, and mobility for travelers in the Northern Virginia (aka. Northern Tier) and Metropolitan Fredericksburg (aka. Southern Tier) region…
RM3P’s goal is to optimize transportation system performance by improving the efficiency of agency responses to travel disruptions, enhance travel time reliability, and support on-demand, multi-modal…
RM3P has a number of benefits including coordinated responses to travel disruptions, improved safety, collaborative planning, more reliable commute, enhanced connections…
RM3P builds on previous VDOT-led studies, including the Integrated Corridor Management program that focuses on multi-modal travel and reducing congestion…
Program Elements

Data-Exchange Platform

AI-Based Decision Support System

Commuter Parking Information System

Multi-Modal Analytical Planner